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Kalote dates

Kalote dates

Kalote dates

Khorme Kolutah (Kolutah date), is one of the top date products in Iran, which due to its delicious taste and excellent texture, has attracted the attention of both domestic and foreign buyers. This date is known as one of Iran’s main exports to the Middle Eastern, South Asian, and even European countries. In this article, we will introduce Khorme Kolutah, its advantages, and the methods of exporting it to global markets.

Introduction of Khorme Kolutah:

Khorme Kolutah is one of the types of Khuzestani dates that is available in the city of Arvand and some parts of Ahvaz. This type of date has a large almond-like shape and has a very fatty and sweet texture. Khorme Kolutah has a similar texture to Mazafati dates, but due to its sweet and mild taste, it has gained more popularity than other types of dates.

Advantages of Khorme Kolutah:

Delicious and sweet taste: Khorme Kolutah has a sweet and delicious taste, which has made it very popular among Khuzestani dates.
Excellent texture: Khorme Kolutah has an excellent texture, which results in producing high-quality and expensive dates.
Long shelf life: Khorme Kolutah has a longer shelf life compared to many other types of dates, which makes it suitable for export to distant countries.
Nutritional benefits: Khorme Kolutah has very rich nutritional properties, including nutrients such as calcium, fiber, and protein.

Who should not eat Khorme Kolutah:

Due to its meaty texture, this type of date has a very warm nature, and people with a warm liver should consume less of this type of date. Also, refrain from consuming excessive amounts of this date during the summer season.

Cooking experience with Khorme Kolutah:

Today I want to talk about Khorme Kolutah. As an experienced chef, I can say that this type of date is one of the best dates in Iran. The first thing you should know about Khorme Kolutah is its unique and sweet taste. With its chewy texture, it is perfect for making desserts, and it can also be used in savory dishes like stews or salads.

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